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So thank you for visiting, and hope you enjoy the many art tips in my BLOG, and paintings in my SHOP and just feel blessed while you hang around awhile.


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Student Greens & Don't Miss ORANGE & VIOLET and Big Brush!

Omgosh, here i am boasting about my students talents again! Quick note: For those of you interested in joining my Zoom Art Classes this month of May, we start up this coming Monday/Wednesday.  We will be doing some Big Brush painting and experimenting with mixing and painting our last two secondary colors ORANGE and VIOLET .  Come join us  Mon or Wed 10am to noon. California time. Get in touch quickly though so I can save you a seat. Another Note: In-person classes have a wait list and priority for moving into the in-person class will be given to those who are already participating in our Zoom classes.  ------------------------------- Entryway by Christi C. Contemplating Coconuts by Carol P. Afternoon by the Munstersche Canal by Deborah J. No Me Toques by Barbara R. Tree of Light by Julie J. Springtime in Dingle by Marsha W. Blues in Green Garden by Jill O. Almost Springtime by Jean E. I didn't give my students much time to send me their submissions. There were so many other

How Many Greens Can YOU Mix?

Hello dear Artists and Creatives, We, my Zoom and In-Person Artists, are enjoying our Around the Color Wheel annual theme, and especially learning the ins and outs and all arounds of Mixing Greens. I think this is the most challenging color mix of all, and we are doing it ... without any green tubes of paint - Seriously! Greens aren't just for the plein air artist, either. It appears everywhere....and I love creating a portrait where I use green in the skin tones. And how about a cat's eyes? Flowers and plants of all kinds, vegetables, fruit.....you name it. Green is NOT just for Landscapes. Here are some swatches I made during my classes......no one's swatches will be exactly the same as the next as we are not all using the same pigments, but a variety is what each artist achieved. As you will notice from the swatches above....not all are dead-on Green, some were mixes that were more neutrals with barely a green bias to them. Other yellowish greens, blue-ish greens, viole

My Students Blues - and April theme beginning week of April 8th

Hello creative folks! As you know, I don't blog too regularly these days....I'm always hoping to change that but so far this monthly post seems to be my "thing."   I am so excited to reveal my talented and kindhearted artists' work for you but give me a quick moment to announce the color theme for our upcoming month. We have completed our primary colors of Red, Yellow and Blue, so we are moving into the secondary triad by starting with GREEN. I really believe that GREEN is the most important color to get the mixing just right. Look at the bright emerald and kelly greens that come out of a tube, then try to paint a nature scene with those paints, and yep. You just can't get it right. One month of GREENS in our Zoom class and you will be starting to mix, ANY Green, like a Master. So come join us if you love painting nature, plants, etc.  and your color mixing has resulted in mud or just "wrong" mixes. I love to make these processes exciting and doable.

Mar 2024: The Blue Wave

No, I am not waxing political....lol, but suggesting as a prompt for our BLUE month around the color wheel we try our hand at, and interpretation of,  Hokusai's iconic The Wave! But let me back up a minute. As we progress around the Color Wheel in 2024, we have knocked off the other two primary colors, that is, Yellow and Red. So this month we dive into Blue. Think water, sky, blueberries, and put your thinking caps on to discover loads more.  And as all artists know, blue does not have to mean anything traditional....faces can be blue (think Picasso), and even dogs and cats can have much more than blue eyes....how about blur fur or whiskers? Come join us .....everyone loves Blue!  It's the most popular color ever, worldwide, i read. We will be learning about the origins of blue pigment, learning to lighten, darken and mix the various gorgeous hues. And then we will paint paint paint throughout the month, anything and everything that Blue means to us. Registered students, plea

2024 Painting Classes - Imperfection Welcome!

Happy New Year all you creative people..and yes, that means YOU! I hope you all had some refreshing and fun times during the holidays, and are ready to get back to creating - because there is NOTHING more healing and transformative than creating.  I spent close to 3 weeks of December up in Seattle with my daughter, good times and she healed really quickly from her surgery (thanks for your healing wishes and prayers).....and upon my return home i looked on my art desk and saw two of my last little paintings for 2023. They both had been quite quickly done in some gouache on gessoed vintage paper.....very fragile stuff. But yummy to paint on. Honestly I forgot I had even painted them, so that was a fun surprise. So this morning I thought, ok, what can i do with these two small pieces?  I got out a glue stick and thought well....why don't i just stick them down to some stronger paper and see what happens. At least it will preserve them long enough to figure out what to do with them.  B

November Theme - FUN with Faces, classes begin Nov 6 & 8

This coming month, and the first two weeks into December, we will be approaching faces in a slightly different way than ever before.  I have a plan!   There is only ONE WAY of painting a face and that is YOUR WAY. Let's figure that out over the next few weeks.....get ready for lots of experimentation.  If you would like to join us for this burst of creativity to end 2023, please get in touch right away so I can send you the email details before next weeks classes begin.  joanie [AT] ARTfortheSOULofit.com or contact form . Class Payment link here And fyi, here are the calendars for classes for the rest of this year, and starting back in 2024. Time!!! What is it?  Where does it come from, and where does it go? If you enjoyed this post, please share it with an artsy friend. Creative. It's Good for the Soul! Blessings, Joanie To subscribe to this newsletter, Simply click here !
Copyright © ART for the SOUL of it
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.